About DSAW

The mission of the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin (DSAW) is to provide support to Wisconsin families and individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities through awareness, education, information, programs, services, and the exchange of ideas and experiences. The founding families of DSAW came together in 1990 to chart a new course for their children. For seven years, this group met in hospitals and libraries to discuss their hopes and dreams. From these meetings, the DSAW we know today was born. 

There are more than 8,000 people in Wisconsin with Down syndrome. Over the course of the year, DSAW touches the lives of more than 5,500 of these individuals and their families through the provision of services, education, resources, and support. DSAW is able to make a difference in thousands of lives because of the incredible support of our community. We are a 30-year-old volunteer-driven organization - we have more than 800 volunteers throughout the state! It is their energy and passion that fuels our mission forward.

About Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition and is caused by a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. People with Down syndrome are living longer, happier, and healthier lives than ever before; they are attending school, working, and contributing to society in many wonderful ways.