
A Message from DSAW's President/CEO

Good afternoon,

I am writing today to share some exciting news. Governor Tony Evers announced yesterday that DSAW was awarded a Workforce Innovation Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. 

The Workforce Innovation Grant Program is a part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds are intended to address pressing workforce development challenges related to the negative economic impacts of COVID-19.

Only 19% of people with disabilities are employed (USDL, 2022), and the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted their quality of life. But the good news is plentiful. The GDP could be boosted up to $25 billion dollars if just 1% more people with disabilities joined the labor force (Accenture, 2018). In addition, employers who hire people with disabilities consistently tout benefits like improved profitability and competitive advantage. 

With this grant, DSAW will work within a 350+ partner network to launch Think Ability Wisconsin (TAW), which will address workforce issues for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PWIDD) in counties across our state. 

The project will include: 

  • The development of the Think Ability Wisconsin online transition resource center reaching families well before middle school

  • The creation and expansion of digital learning platforms to teach job skills

  • The expansion of employer-embedded, on-the-job training and placement programs in manufacturing, hospitality, and other accessible industries

  • The expansion of workforce development and wraparound services in underserved regions across WI

  • The formation of partnerships and coalitions across the state to address barriers that keep PWIDD unemployed and in poverty

  • Targeted awareness campaigns to change perceptions of people with IDD in the workforce

  • Employer education to increase job access and expectations

We believe that this whole-person, whole-society approach to Wisconsin’s workforce issues is exactly what’s needed to forever impact and expand opportunities for all of Wisconsin’s employers and people with IDD.

We are so excited, so humbled, and so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to help elevate the employment landscape for people with disabilities in our state. Our leadership team is working to roll out plans for implementation. In the meantime, we are thrilled to share this news and celebrate with you! 

Click here to read the official press release from the office of Governor Tony Evers.



Dawn Nuoffer
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin