Employment Services

DSAW offers Employment Services including career discovery, work readiness, and work-based learning to people with disabilities in Wisconsin. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@dsaw.org.

Career Discovery

  • Career Exploration through Explore Work
    This is an online guided program designed to help consumers discover different areas of interest for future jobs.

  • Job Shadows
    This is an opportunity for a consumer to observe a job within an industry or career of interest. A Job Shadow presents real life examples of job responsibilities, work environment, acceptable work behavior, and insight and advice from individuals working in that role.

Work Readiness

  • Job Preparation Development Plan
    Meet with your Job Developer to discuss career interests, employment goals, real life job expectations, building a resume, and practicing interviewing.

  • Career Profile
    This is a report designed to learn more about an individual’s strengths, challenges, interests, career aspirations, and activities in which they participate. The Job Developer meets not only with the consumer but with all the individuals that comprise their team. It is designed to understand the whole person as well as their support team.

  • Skills to Pay the Bills
    This is a program designed to work on soft skills such as attitude, communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.

Work-Based Learning

  • Work Experience
    A work experience is similar to an internship. A consumer is placed with a community employer in a position for which they have expressed interest. It can run anywhere from 4-12 weeks. The consumer’s wages are paid during this time through the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. The consumer is also supported during their work experience with a Job Coach as long as it is needed. The consumer learns real life work skills and soft skills on the job in an inclusive environment.

  • Project SEARCH (Offered in Southeastern WI and South Central WI)
    DSAW is the service provider for The Marquardt Project SEARCH site in Watertown. Click here to learn more.

  • Job Development
    Job Developer and consumer work together to secure permanent employment in the community through typical job-seeking activities.

  • Job Coaching

    Individualized support and instruction are provided to the consumer within the work site and during consumer’s work day. Support can also be provided off site to work on skills necessary for success in their position. Support is customized to fit the learning needs of each individual.


  • Manufacturing Basics (Offered in Southeastern WI)
    DSAW offers a Pre-Voc employment program which teaches individuals basic skills to secure employment in the manufacturing sector. Students also learn problem solving, teamwork, and communication skills. This course runs two days per week for 12 weeks. The program provides students with classroom and on-site workplace experience. It is designed for individuals who are interested in and excited to enter the workforce. For more information, contact info@dsaw.org or call 414-327-3729

  • Hospitality Basics (Offered Northeastern WI, South Central WI, and Southeastern WI)
    DSAW offers a Pre-Voc employment program, which teaches individuals basic skills to secure employment in the hospitality sector. Students also learn problem solving, teamwork, and communication skills. This course runs two days per week for 12 weeks. The program provides students with classroom and on-site workplace experience in housekeeping, food service, waterpark, or office. It is designed for individuals who are interested in and excited to enter the hospitality workforce. For more information, contact info@dsaw.org or call 414-327-3729

For Employers

DSAW works with employers to hire people with disabilities. Leveraging a neurodivergent workforce isn’t just the right thing for employers to do. It’s also the smart thing to do.

  • There are currently 2 open positions for every 1 job seeker in Wisconsin. A significant number of these open positions only require a high school education.

  • The GDP could be boosted up to $25 billion if just 1% more people with disabilities joined the labor force!

You can partner with us to hire your company’s next quality employee! Create no-risk, no-expense temporary work experiences at your company and learn more about hiring people with disabilities. Click here to get started.

Click here for a PDF with FAQs and a road map.

Click here for a PDF with more information on how DSAW can work with you.

Partners in Inclusive Employment (PIE)

The Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin (DSAW) & The Friendship Circle of Wisconsin have proudly combined their missions and created Partners in Inclusive Employment (PIE), which can provide equal opportunities for employment to adults with diverse abilities.

The Friendship Circle of Wisconsin offers a comprehensive Employment Training Program (ETP) to meet the varied needs of adults with diverse abilities. Throughout the ETP, participants learn and practice essential job skills: such as safety and sanitation in the workplace, appropriate social interaction, time management, and following instructions. Upon graduating from the ETP, our participants will have been provided knowledge and tools to be successful employees and team members.

These companies have made a commitment to allow opportunities of employment for adults with disabilities: