(WATERTOWN) Congratulations to our Project SEARCH graduates! These 6 graduates were able to explore different positions throughout the community and find employment for after they graduated.
WBAY Action 2 News Coverage - Think Ability Wisconsin
May 21, 2024 - Think Ability Wisconsin and Bethany Allcox received news coverage by WBAY Action 2 News. Bethany Allcox shared about her excitement for her new job at New Perspective Senior Living in Howard.
Looking Back on April
April was full of more successful events! Here’s some of the fun things DSAW staff and members were able to do!
DSAW- Central Planetarium- An afternoon under the stars
Thursday, April 13
DSAW Central blasted off into the unknown at their planetarium event! They created their very own galaxy and savored the taste of astronaut ice cream. It was an intergalactic afternoon of fun! Happy birthday, Max! We were so thrilled to be able to celebrate your birthday with you!
DSAW-Chippewa Valley Social Hangout
Tuesday, April 9
Social Hangout went to the Chippewa Valley Museum earlier this week. They enjoyed "walking though time" ... and who doesn't love visiting an ice cream parlor!?!
DSAW- Green Bay-Baby/Toddler Playgroup at The Adventure Zone
Saturday, April 20
Green Bay DSAW families had a great time exploring and playing at the Adventure Zone!
DSAW-KRW Kenosha Museum Highlights Tour and Streetcar Ride
Saturday, April 13
THANK YOU to all of the families and friends who came out on Saturday to go on a Highlights Tour at the Kenosha Museum and take a streetcar ride downtown! What a fun time we had. We'd love to see your photos - please feel free to share them here!
DSAW- Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties Kelley's Farmstead
Tuesday, April 28th
We had so much fun at Kelley's Farmstead last week! Some of our family members got to hold baby ducks, pigs, and bunnies. Check out these cute pictures from our event!
DSAW-South Central Family Bowling at Scwoegler's Park Towne Lanes
Friday, April 26
Thank you to the 47 participants who joined us at Schwoegler's Park Lane in Madison this evening! It was a perfect activity for a raining evening! We had a GREAT time!
DSAW-Southeastern Sky Zone Experience
Tuesday, April 2
THANK YOU to all of the jumpers that came out last night to Sky Zone-Greenfield despite the crummy weather. So much fun to see all of the great smiles!
Fox6 Milwaukee News Coverage- Hunter Peterson
March 14th, 2024- Hunter Peterson, a DSAW member of our Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter, was featured on Fox6 Milwaukee News for being on the Bucks' 414 Crew.
WBAY Action 2 News Coverage-Go Baby Go! Program
March 8th, 2024- A DSAW family from Fox Cities was featured on WBAY Action 2 News for participating in the Go Baby Go! Program.
This program is a collaboration between Children's Wisconsin and Fox Valley Technical College. It aims to provide electric ride-on cars specifically designed for children with special health needs. These cars offer improved mobility and independence to these children
Looking Back on March
2024 World Down Syndrome Day
DSAW received state wide media coverage for World Down Syndrome Day.
DSAW sold over 850 WDSD t-shirts, a record high, and up from last year's sales of 550!!
DSAW raised thousands of extra dollars with external fundraisers around WDSD this year.
DSAW DOUBLED the amount we raised from our WDSD fundraising campaign from last year.
DSAW hosted 11 WDSD events around the state, many of which had HUGE increases in attendance and impressive turn outs.
DSAW partnered with EPIC Creative and Inclusion Coffee Company to provide free coffee at Inclusion on WDSD.
DSAW saw a ton of momentum on social media: In Green Bay the mayor ordered the Green Bay's bridge to light up in blue and yellow in honor of WDSD!
DSAW- Central WDSD Roller Skating Celebration
Thursday, March 21
DSAW-Chippewa Valley WDSD Celebration at Action City
Sunday, March 17
DSAW- Fox Cities-World Down Syndrome Day
Saturday, March 16th
We had 80 adults and 65 kids enjoy a day of arcade games, bumper cars, train ride, laser tag, air hockey, skeeball, carousel and small kid play area at Funset Blvd. We served a pizza buffet to help refuel after a morning of hard play. It was a great morning enjoyed by all.
DSAW- Green Bay-World Down Syndrome Day - Dance Party
Saturday, March 23
DSAW-KRW World Down Syndrome Day Pool Party
Friday, March 22
DSAW-Greater La Crosse Down for Nature
Saturday, March 16
"Down For Nature" was our theme this year. We had three stations where guests could make pinecone bird feeders, twisty cereal bird feeders, and frost then decorate their bird or butterfly cookie!
DSAW-Sheboygan Down Syndrome Day Waterpark Celebration 2024
Sunday, March 17, 2024
DSAW-South Central GALLERY 21
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Had over 130 individuals in attendance to honor and support our loved ones with Down syndrome.
DSAW Milwaukee: World Down Syndrome Day 2024 - Pool Party
Saturday, March 14
Green Bay-Local 5 Live (WFRV Channel 5) News Coverage- World Down Syndrome Day.
WISN News 12 Coverage-World Down Syndrome Day
March 21st, 2024- DSAW received news coverage from WISN News 12 on World Down Syndrome Day. Our Education and Engagement Manager, Mary Gaffron, discussed the misconceptions surrounding Down syndrome and the resources we provide to individuals and families across Wisconsin.
Chippewa Valley WEAU 13 News Coverage-World Down Syndrome Day
WQOW News 18 Coverage-World Down Syndrome Day
TMJ Channel 4 News Coverage- Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin preparing for talent show
March 20, 2024- DSAW and Gigi’s Playhouse were highlighted in this news segment in preparation for their Talent Show that was held on March 23rd, 2024.
Annual Appeal 2023: Think Ability
As 2023 come to an end, DSAW encourages you to take a moment to “Think” about the things we are thankful for and how we can support our loved ones with disabilities. We’re looking back and taking this time to feature the accomplishments and abilities of our advocates.
Thanks to generous support from people like you, our friends with disabilities can “Think” about a bright future.
We’re highlighting stories about advocates who are:
- Thinking about Employment
- Thinking about Housing
- Thinking about Support
- Thinking about College
- Thinking about Independence
During this time of gratitude and giving, please consider making a gift to DSAW to support our friends who are so deserving.
Think Ability
A year-end message from Dawn Nuoffer, DSAW President & CEO
Dear Friend,
You can continue to help our friends with Down syndrome, other disabilities, and their families to Think Ability in the New Year. We are looking forward to all of the wonderful things we will do together in 2024!
You may have heard about Think Ability Wisconsin, a statewide partnership network powered by the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin.
The Think Ability Wisconsin initiative will improve transition and employment outcomes for people with disabilities and will improve hiring and retention for employers.
We’ll do this through the development of an online resource center, the creation and expansion of digital learning platforms to teach job skills, the expansion of on-the-job training and placement programs, the expansion of workforce development and wraparound services, the formation of partnerships, targeted awareness campaigns to change perceptions of people with disabilities in the workplace, employer education to increase job access and expectations, and more.
We can’t wait to see how thinking ability will change our state for the better. Exciting things
are coming, and we hope you will join the movement! Follow along with Think Ability Wisconsin on social media: Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Instagram. If you are interested
in receiving email updates from Think Ability Wisconsin or in becoming part of the movement, fill out this form.
When you donate to DSAW, you demonstrate that you Think Ability, and you support others to do the same.
Thank you for supporting abilities for people in Wisconsin in 2023. We can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together in 2024. Happy New Year!
Dawn Nuoffer
President & CEO
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin
PS - Don’t wait! Consider DSAW in your year-end giving today. There is still time to have your donation matched! Our friends with disabilities need you!
Think Independence
Meet Matt
Matt is a 43 year old young man who enjoys working, having fun, and participating in social and community events. He lives in DeForest (in DSAW’s South Central chapter) with his parents and twin brother. He is very proud and happy when he is working in a job that is right for him, and he enjoys cleaning and helping people. He is very active in his church and loves fishing, 4-wheeling, pontoon rides, bowling, making crafts, mowing grass in the summer months, and snowmobiling in the winter.
Currently, Matt participates in DSAW’s daily living skills twice a week, attends Self Advocate Adventures events and vocational training/job coaching, and is in search of a job right now! DSAW’s HCBS Small Groups provide an opportunity for self-advocates to join together with 2-4 peers and explore their communities and interests! This is a terrific way for them to make wonderful friendships and learn about their communities.
DSAW has provided him something to do during the day while he is in search of a job. Matt’s favorite things at DSAW are the social events through the Self Advocate Adventures program. Programs that DSAW offers help Matt feel social and more connected with his community of friends. He has created wonderful relationships with other self advocates and has become more Independent!
DSAW’s Home & Community-Based Services provides one-on-one services, group classes, small groups, and more for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities like Matt.
Please consider DSAW in your year-end giving. You can support people like Matt to thrive and live an INDEPENDENT life!
Think College
Meet Hendrik Steenepoorte
Hendrik is a 19-year-old freshman attending Shephard’s College in Union Grove, Wisconsin. Shepherds College boasts it’s the “nation's leading post-secondary school created with the learning needs of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in mind.”
Having older siblings that went away to college and several colleges visiting events Hendrik attended, he knew at the beginning of his senior year that he was supposed to visit college campuses. His mother, Maria, arranged for Hendrik to tour several colleges. They decided Shephard’s College was a great fit for Hendrik. Henrik shared he wanted to go to college “to meet new friends, have fun, learn about Culinary Arts as a career and make a difference in the world.” And so far, he has many new friends, is having fun, taking classes in Culinary Arts and has already volunteered at Feed My Starving Children in the community. And he’s only been in college for a few months!
Currently his favorite class behind lunch is called Personal and Professional Development taught by Mr. H. And in his culinary class, he’s learning all kinds of safety protocols around using knives, cleanliness and cooking new healthy and even gluten-free recipes. As part of daily living skills, all students at Shephard’s College learn to prepare meals, grocery shop and make their own for breakfasts and dinners in the dorm kitchens.
In addition to starting college this fall, Hendrik was honored to be chosen the Fox Cities Chapter’s Awareness Walk Ambassador. He got to come home in October for the weekend to attend the event, volunteering at registration, selling raffle tickets and most important on the stage for the start the walk inspiring others in the crowd. Hendrik’s enthusiasm and energy is contagious.
He was even interviewed on TV helping promote our Awareness Walk!
Oh, and by the way, when asked if he is homesick, he replies, “No, never!” We are so excited to see what else is in store for Hendrik’s future.
Think Support
After Nicole Cooper and her husband learned about their daughter's Down syndrome diagnosis
at fifteen weeks pregnant, they needed help processing all the emotions they were feeling. They had amazing family and friend support but there’s no connection that quite compares to talking with another parent that has a child with Down syndrome. Their experience, both at the time of diagnosis and wherever they are in their parenting journey, was immensely helpful being a part of DSAW’s Parents First Call program.
Connecting with another parent who has a child with Down syndrome can be one of the most helpful resources a parent will have; it can help make their journey a little easier and can be comforting to have that connection. DSAW trains Support Parents to provide support to others who have just received a diagnosis.
Nicole really loved that DSAW’s Parent’s First Call staff took the time to ask specific details about what they were looking for in terms of their support parent match. Nicole’s family was just learning about the high potential that their daughter would need heart surgery and so it was important to them that they could ask questions and have that in common with their support parent. They were also first-time parents and wanted to find a family who had been in their shoes. It felt good that their needs and personal story were taken into account to match them with an appropriate support parent, instead of just a random match.
What she learned, felt, and processed with the help of a support parent, she wanted to share with other parents who are just starting their journey. Nicole now is a support parent to other families and offers emotional support when they are ready, which can have such a huge impact on a family’s outcomes and on their loved one’s future. For most families, a Down syndrome diagnosis can bring a range of emotions and can be overwhelming. Another parent who has gone through a similar experience can offer knowledge and support like no one else can. Through making connections in the Down syndrome community, she has learned there is such a range of support each family has and that offering Parent’s First Call to anyone that wants extra support benefits the entire family.
When you make a gift to DSAW, you offer support to families in the moments following their diagnosis. You provide them with the support parent network of DSAW's Parent's First Call program. Will you give that gift of hope to a family this Giving Tuesday? You can even designate your donation to a specific DSAW chapter!
Think Housing
Meet Kathryn Burish and Hannah Rahmanpanah
Kathryn and Hannah are shining a light on living independently and exceeding expectations for people with Down syndrome and other disabilities.
Living independently bolsters your self-esteem and confidence.
Kathryn Burish and Hannah Rahmanpanah have known each other since they were 16 months old! And now, they feel right at home living on their own in Elm Grove - as next-door neighbors. They both moved out when they were 22 years old and have lived independently in their own apartments for the past 5 years.
They each expressed their love of having their own space. They come home and it’s just how they left it. Kathryn works at TJ Maxx with the dream of starting her own fashion line. Hannah works two jobs - Pick n Save in the Floral Department and at a consignment clothing store.
Although they have the support of their families living nearby and sometimes carpooling together with their parents, they each have found ways to be self-sufficient. They take the Elmbrook Senior Taxi service to get places like grocery shopping. They are able to cook, clean, do their own laundry, and entertain friends. When needed they get assistance from mentors and support people for “deep” cleaning and planning meals.
Both young women are on the Advisory Board of the Southeastern Chapter of DSAW and are active with other DSAW groups and activities. Hannah attends Rad Rec events and was recently at our fundraiser at Culvers. Kathryn loves going to DSAW dances and socializing with friends.
Kathryn and Hannah were recently featured on Spectrum News!
They love getting together with friends and having fun! Hannah shared she “likes to do the
things she wants, whenever she wants.” Kathryn said that she wanted her own space when she felt like she was butting heads with her parents. Who hasn’t felt that as a young adult? She lives in a 4 unit building where she knows the other tenants. And Hannah lives in the building right next door. So in essence Kathryn lives in a building with all of her own friends, just like her favorite TV show, “Friends.”
“People with Down syndrome are just like everyone else and having a disability is not scary, “ says Hannah. And Down syndrome does not define who they are and what they deserve.
Being independent for people with Down syndrome is not only possible, Kathryn and Hannah are just a few participants leading by their example. If you want to know more or connect with parents with their young adults living on their own, contact info@dsaw.org. DSAW connects people and families. DSAW shows that people with Down syndrome and other disabilities are exceeding expectations.
With your support, more young adults are being shown what new expectations look like for independence and housing. Think Housing!
Think Employment
You help to support life-changing programs like our Manufacturing Basics course. This is an employer-embedded skills training program within Rely Contract Manufacturing/Engauge Workforce Solutions in Menomonee Falls. This 12-week integrated, on-the-job training program teaches the basic information necessary to start working in manufacturing, as well as soft skills like communication, team work, problem solving, and more.
Did you know that the manufacturing industry in Wisconsin generates $66 billion in economic output and accounts for nearly 19% of the state’s domestic product? However, 77% of manufacturers say they will have ongoing difficulties in attracting and retaining workers into the future. People with disabilities can be great candidates to support the vital manufacturing industry in our state, and we are helping to prepare them!
Wendy Schmidt, DSAW’s Director of Employment Services, says that “Individuals with diverse abilities are often an undervalued, overlooked population of people that are more than capable of being successful in the manufacturing industry. Our hope is to break down the doors and open up more opportunities for those individuals in manufacturers across the state.”
Topics of the Manufacturing Basics course include all aspects of safety, warehousing/distribution, assembly, kitting, packaging, quality control, incident reporting, hazardous materials, hand tools, power tools, time management, critical thinking, dependability, and more! The class exposes students to many different environments and skills, finding the right match for the employer and the worker with a disability. There are opportunities for advanced training or employment placement at completion of the program. Check out this great video highlighting the program!
There are labor shortage and job retention concerns across accessible industries in Wisconsin, and people with disabilities are looking for opportunities for meaningful employment. Hiring a person with a disability isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. Employing people with disabilities can lead to improved bottom lines, higher productivity, higher retention rates, increased employee motivation and morale, and more.
When you make a gift to DSAW on Giving Tuesday (11/28), you help employers, families, and self advocates to Think Employment. You support Wisconsin’s economy and help prepare more people with disabilities for the workforce. Will you show your support of meaningful employment for people with disabilities on Giving Tuesday by making a donation to DSAW? You can even designate your donation to a specific DSAW chapter!
Looking Back on October
2023 Fall Awareness Walks!
October rounded out our final
DSAW Awareness Walks for 2023!
Shout out to Fox Cities, Greater La Crosse and South Central!
Across the state we had well over 5,000 walkers and raised more than $550,000!!
DSAW-South Central
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Sunday, October 1st
Fireman’s Park in Deforest
DSAW-Fox Cities
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Saturday, October 7th
Riverside Park in Neenah
DSAW- Greater La Crosse
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Saturday, October 7th
Myrick Park in La Crosse
DSAW- Central
Local Wisconsin resident Danielle Thoe chosen to model in largest Down Syndrome Fundraiser in The World !
DSAW-Centrals very own Danielle Thoe has been chosen to be one of 20 models at the #BeBeautifulBeYourself Fashion Show in Denver on November 19th. The World Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GLOBAL) is honored to announce a spectacular and star-studded line-up for its annual Be Beautiful Be Yourself Fashion Show, the largest Down syndrome fundraiser in the world.
A Message from Danielle!
“I am Danielle Nicole Thoe. I may be 4’4” but that is the only thing small about me. I tell everyone that I love my life because it has been amazing so far. Hannah and I challenged ourselves by doing a tandem skydive. It was amazing to be a part of breaking the Guinness Book of Records sit ski with Grace, of Graceful Wakes. My happy space is being on stage and being National Miss Amazing Miss, and Wisconsin Extreme Dream Team cheerleader lets me be ecstatic. Now, a special guy named Andrew, puts a smile on my heart.”
The funds support research and medical care for individuals with #downsyndrome. You can support Danielle Thoe spreading the Dream by sponsoring and/or donating in her name. (Scroll to model 16 to find Danielle!)
Looking Back on September
2023 Fall Awareness Walks!
Across the state we had well over 5,000 walkers and raised more than $550,000!!
Mini Golf & Walk Fundraiser
Saturday, September 23
Harbor Pointe Mini Golf in Sheboygan
DSAW-Chippewa Valley
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Sunday, September 24th
Irvine Park in Chippewa Falls
DSAW Statewide
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Sunday, September 24th
Milwaukee County Zoo
DSAW-Green Bay
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
Saturday, September 30th
Capital Credit Union Park in Ashwaubenon
DSAW-South Central
Pillars of Success
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the DSAW South Central last Pillars of Success Exploring the Ice Age Trail! We partnered with the Ice Age Trail Alliance, who led us on 3 amazing hikes.
DSAW-Fox Cities
Parents Night Out
DSAW families enjoyed a night out at Wilder's Bistro!
Xtreme Air
J U M P to new heights at Xtreme Air! Advocates got the chance to let out a little bit of energy while having some fun with friends and family!
DSAW- Greater La Crosse
Day on the Farm
DSAW Greater La Crosse area enjoyed our 1st Annual Day on the Farm at Hidden Hills in Stoddard. Families enjoyed all of the animals and activities on a beautiful day! Big THANKS to Morgan, our Board President, for making it a great event!
TMJ Channel 4 News Coverage-27th Annual DSAW-State Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
The September 24th, 27th Annual DSAW-State Down Syndrome Awareness Walk received news coverage from TMJ 4 news!
Green Bay Channel 5 News Coverage-15th Annual DSAW-Green Bay Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
The September 30th, 15th Annual DSAW-Green Bay Down Syndrome Awareness Walk received news coverage from Channel 5 We are Green Bay!
WEAU 13 News Coverage-17th Annual Chippewa Valley Down Syndrome Awareness Walk
The September 24th 17th Annual DSAW-Chippewa Valley Down Syndrome Awareness Walk received news coverage from WEAU channel 13 news!
Looking Back on August
As summer winds down, DSAW members took advantage of enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. August was filled with many fun events, including the annual Southeastern Pip & Homer Golf Classic which was a huge success. Read on to find out more about the August event highlights.
DSAW hosted 2 webinars in August! You can watch the recorded webinar videos by clicking on the links below.
Heathcare 101: Tips and Helpful Information About Medical Care
Think Health: Healthcare 101: Tips and Helpful Information About Medical Care (Jessica Schuster, MD 8/16/2023)
DSAW Webinar Series Presents: Dementia 101
DSAW Webinar Series Presents: Dementia 101 (Bilingual Dementia Care Specialist, Cristina Huitron 8/30/2023) [Click here for slides]
South Central
Explore House on the Rock
DSAW South Central kept busy with a number of outdoor events, one at House on the Rock. For over 60 years, the House on the Rock has been a majestic work in progress that evolved into a display of an unusual man-made retreat filled with displays and a variety of collections of exotic scenes, built on the rocks with an amazing view! DSAW families enjoyed the nice weather while touring this unique attraction!
Rock County Family Picnic
South Central held it’s Annual Summer Family Picnic on August 6th at Peace Park and Rockport Pool in Janesville! Families brought a dish to pass, for the taco potluck. The afternoon was filled with games, crafts, swimming, food, music, and fun for all ages.
Pip & Homer Golf Classic
The 27th Annual Pip and Homer Golf Classic was a huge success last month! Held at the award-winning Club at Lac La Belle, the event was kicked off by a special guest speaker, Wisconsin Comedian Charlie Berens. We had 140 golfers, 14 additional guests for the dinner, and 21 DSAW staff and volunteers, 6 of whom were self advocates!
View more pictures from the event here
Family Night at Hoyt Park
DSAW Southeastern had around 40 people come out and enjoy an evening of live music, food, drink and conversation with other DSAW families and friends at Hoyt Park! The evening featured the live band, Kinetic, a tight instrumental powerhouse quartet that combines elements of rock, jazz, funk and pop. Everyone enjoyed yummy food and beverages as well that were available for purchase.
Movie Night in the Park
The Kenosha/Racine/Walworth Chapter enjoyed the last month of summer with a movie night in the park. Families who attended got to watch The Mitchells vs The Machines at Petrifying Springs Park in Kenosha. DSAW provided snacks and everyone had a great time watching this cute movie.
Garden to Table
Participants of the Garden to Table event went out to Nourish Farms in Sheboygan Falls. At Nourish, we were able to pick vegetables from the garden and bring them back to their kitchen where we prepped the vegetables and made a delicious Bruschetta!
We also did some sailing! DSAW partnered with SEAS, in Sheboygan, and went out on Lake Michigan where the instructors gave some information about how to sail and allowed us to help!
Fox Cities
Evergreen Camping
DSAW Fox Cities had an awesome day at the Evergreen Campsites and Resort in Wild Rose! Despite a little cloudy weather it was a full day of outdoor play: mini golf, giant tic tac toe, enjoying the playground and swimming at the pool or lake. We can’t wait to do it again next summer!
Green Bay
Sensory Night at the Museum
DSAW Green Bay spent an afternoon at the Children’s Museum of Green Bay and had a great time exploring everything the museum had to offer. The Museum helps build social skills for children in a unique, interactive environment like the fire station exhibit.
Chippewa Valley
Beef & Dairy Days Parade
The Chippewa Valley Beef & Dairy Days Parade was a small but fun DSAW event! We had four people pushing a wagon, and the other three participants handed out candy and postcards promoting the upcoming walk and upcoming Chippewa Valley events. We look forward to doing it again next summer!
End of Summer Ice Cream Social
DSAW Central enjoyed an “End of Summer” ice cream social at JoJo's Jungle in Wausau, a state of the art handicapped playground for children with disabilities. DSAW provided the ice cream, whipped cream, caramel, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, cherries & water. The families enjoyed the day's festivities and the kids LOVED the ice cream!
Appleton school district expands sports for students with disabilities
The Appleton Area School District is expanding its sports leagues to include students with disabilities. Starting this fall, the Appleton Area School District will be joining the Fox Valley Association Adapted Sports League. To find out more about this story:
Looking Back on July 2023
Down Home BBQ
The Down Home BBQ is a favorite event for both DSAW families and staff! This year we had over 230 people attend! Brats and burgers prepared by our amazing grill team were served with pasta salad, fruit, cookies, and other desserts that were enjoyed by everyone. We also received a surprise donut donation from Grebe’s Bakery. Throughout the day, kids had a lot of fun with splash painting, playing in the water games/inflatable water slide area, yard game area which included hula hoops, cornhole, a bubble table, SHAW hockey and more, and dancing to live music by Hot Off the Grill. We appreciate everyone who came and the 30 volunteers who helped make it happen, and look foward to another great BBQ next summer!
Kingfish Game
KRW ended the month with a Kingfish Game! It was a fun and cozy evening as DSAW families gathered to watch the game. Although our team didn’t win, everyone had a good time watching the game and cheering the Kingfish’s on!
Green Bay
Family Fun Night at Bay Beach
Families had a great time at our family event on Tuesday night, July 18. DSAW provided each family with 25 ride tickets and a sweet treat. It was a perfect night to enjoy the rides and connect with friends! We look forward to doing it again next summer with even more friends!
South Central
Golf Outing 2023
South Central's 2023 Golf Outing was a huge success! We had about 130 golfers, 40 volunteers, and others that attended the program and dinner. It was a very warm and humid day for golf but everyone still had fun with the golf hole games and enjoyed stopping by the hole serving up Tito's.
Adventure at Timbavati Wild Life Park
South Central also had a fun safari Day at Timbavati Wildlife Park! The park, located in Wisconsin Dells, offers a family-friendly, immersive experiences in a beautiful environment. It is home to over 400 animals that represent over 75 different species. We had a blast hanging out with all the animals and riding the train as we toured the park.
Splash & Swim Outing
The 2nd annual Splash & Swim Outing was a fun day in the sun at the Weston Aquatic Center. Everyone enjoyed the day playing and splashing in the pool. The families were able to have great conversations, eating cupcakes, and the frosting even turned some mouths & tongues blue!
Chippewa Valley
Trinity Equine Therapy Day
Chippewa Valley families had a fun day at Trinity Equine Therapy getting to experience how amazing horses are. The afternoon was spent being introduced to horses, bonding with them, brushing them, and even doing an obstacle course. They had 4 horses and 2 ponies for us to interact with, as well as several workers helping, including an individual with Down syndrome. With some snacks and painting after, it was an amazing day for everyone who attended!
Fox Cities
Timber Rattler Game
DSAW Fox Cities had a wonderful night at the Timber Rattler game on Saturday, July 29th during the debut of the Timber Rattler alternate identity, The Shantymen. It was a beautiful night of warm weather and a slight breeze, sitting in seats along the third base line we had fantastic views of all the happenings on the field. While the "Shantymen" weren't able to pull out the win the fireworks after the game made the loss a little more bearable.
La Crosse
Milwaukee Burger Co.
As a newer and growing DSAW chapter, we were excited to have seven families attend our Dine & Donate at Milwaukee Burger Co. event. Everyone had a good time enjoying delicious food and Board Members who were present attended the door handing out La Crosse July/August event Flyers. During the three hour event, $214 was raised! A big THANK YOU to everyone who came and we look forward to doing more together!