Awesome opportunity alert!!!!!!
What: Join DSAW for a very special book signing of Sandra Bartel's book "Joe: A Life of Mischief, Humor and Joy." Sandra is the loving sister of Joe, who has Down syndrome. Joe and Sandra will both be at the event to sign your book and mingle!
The book price is $14.95 if purchased via Amazon or at Pearl Street Bookstore! OR, order your copy through DSAW by July 16th and get a special discounted price of $10.00!! Your copy will be waiting for you at the book signing event. Books ordered after July 16 will be full price. We will have a limited supply available for purchase (full price) on July 26th.
Cabin Coffee (located inside the La Crosse Wellness Center) has generously agreed to stay open late just for this event! They have also committed to giving DSAW 10% of the sales during the book signing!
RSVP and pre-order your book below! Note that if pre-ordering, you must fill out the RSVP form below AND click the "pre-order" button to purchase your book!