2025 Puberty Workshops for Pre-Adolescent Males with Intellectual Disabilities

2025 Puberty Workshops for Pre-Adolescent Males with Intellectual Disabilities


This workshop is for pre-adolescent aged males (usually 10 or 11 to 15 or 16 aged boys who are just beginning, in the midst of, or close to finishing puberty) with intellectual disabilities and their parent(s).

If you will be using CLTS dollars to pay for the workshop, please contact Mary Gaffron (mgaffron@dsaw.org or (414)327-3729 x112) prior to completing the registration for a code to use during checkout.

Workshop Details:

Dates: Saturday, April 26th OR May 3rd (PICK ONE DATE)

Time: 1-3PM

Location: Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin - 1215 Dewey Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213  

Fee: $30.00

Only one registration is needed per participant/family.

Workshop Date:
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About the Presenter

Terri Couwenhoven MS, CSE is a sex educator and author who specializes in designing and implementing sexuality programs and materials for people with intellectual disabilities, families and professionals. Her puberty workshops help families learn together in a comfortable, safe, and fun environment. Concrete teaching methods (videos, slides, pictures, games, activities) are used to improve comprehension and help parents become more comfortable and confident helping their children understand body changes, self- care, and appropriate social behavior. For more information about Terri visit her web site: www.terricouwenhoven.com.