Top 9 Reasons to Volunteer

There's no doubt that volunteering makes a positive impact. Ever wondered about the full benefits? Learn more about the hidden benefits of volunteering:

1. Helping people makes you feel better

Positive psychologists have studied the feeling of happiness in great depth, and it has been found that acts of kindness benefit both parties. When you volunteer, you are giving without expecting to receive. What you'll see is that happiness is contagious! Volunteering will give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Seeing the joy your work brings to other people can warm your heart in an indescribable way. 

2. Give back where you're passion lies

Without the incentive of money, you know that you are volunteering because you truly care. This opportunity allows you to get involved in organizations that mean something to you. It will feel amazing to be making a difference in an area where there is a personal connection.

3. Change someone's life

There is truly nothing more rewarding than seeing your actions better someone else's life. Many of the organizations and programs that offer volunteering opportunities rely heavily on their volunteers. Without people actively choosing to give back to their communities, many programs and services could not run.

4. Hooray for resumés!

Whether you're looking to get a job or be accepted to your dream school, volunteer experience glows on your resumé. Being a wholesome person makes you automatically stand out next to any competition.

5. The learning experience

Volunteering can open you up to a world you might not be used to. Most volunteer positions do not require previous experience. You may walk away with a new perspective and unique set of skills. 

6. Make connections

Volunteering can be a wonderful way to meet people with common interests. It's also a great way to meet people who are different from you! Either way, the volunteer setting is perfect for making new connections.

7. Become part of a new community

We always hear people hype up volunteering by saying we should "give back to the community." It goes much deeper than that. Within the larger community as a whole there are smaller communities. Each volunteering opportunity gives you a window into a community and culture that you might not know a lot about. 

8. Insider info

Volunteers often get to see a different side of an organization that regular employees or members might not have access to. You'll get the inside scoop on how things are run - who knows, you may even wind up working there someday!

9. See the world 

Volunteering doesn't always have to be in your neighborhood. There are many volunteering opportunities that allow you to venture outside both your hometown and your comfort zone. Mixing traveling with volunteering can make for an incredibly unique and exciting experience. 


Volunteering is appreciated wherever you go! If you're interested in volunteering with DSAW, check out our summer opportunities:

