Looking Back on April 2021

Happy spring! A few of our chapters enjoyed the nice weather with outdoor hiking programs. DSAW hosted several virtual events including a virtual open mic night and a webinar series. Read on to see what DSAW got up to around the state this month!

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Volunteer Appreciation

April 18-24 was National Volunteer Week! DSAW is lucky to work with an incredible group of volunteers who truly put their hearts and souls into helping individuals with disabilities and their families.

Thank you, DSAW Volunteers, for the effort, energy, and time you give to our organization. We absolutely could not do it without you!

DSAW- Green Bay Summer Therapy Scholarships Launch

This summer, DSAW- Green Bay is launching a new scholarship program to support families in paying for out-of-pocket summer therapy programs for their loved one with Down syndrome.

Please read the requirements and fill out the form to apply. You will be contacted by DSAW to confirm your scholarship.

More Information & Apply

Thank you to the Green Bay Packers Foundation for sponsoring this program!

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DSAW Webinar Series: Respond Don’t React

DSAW hosted a webinar series during the month of April. The series was called “Respond Don’t React” and was led by DSAW’s Education & Projects Specialist, Chris Gagne. Chris walked participants through Dr. David Stein's book “Supporting Positive Behavior in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome.” Participants were able to get their specific child care questions answered and the group discussed real-life scenarios.

DSAW keeps recordings of previous webinars for you to access anytime. Check out this webinar recording here.

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Virtual Open Mic Night

DSAW hosts monthly virtual family nights and April’s was an Open Mic Night! This program attracted many young self-advocates from all over the state and even a few friends from other states. Participants sang karaoke songs, danced, and cheered each other on.

Check out the next virtual family night here!

DSAW Family Nature Hike at Retzer Nature Center

DSAW families in Southeastern WI got together on a rainy Saturday afternoon for a guided hike at Retzer Nature Center! A naturalist from the nature center talked to participants about the changes that happen in the environment during springtime. We went on a hike in the woods and participants were able to fill out nature “Bingo” cards to keep track of all the cool things they found. Highlights were seeing a bird’s nest, a turkey vulture, and finding a lot of creepy crawly bugs!

Check out our next family event here!



DSAW- Central WI Active Moms

This group, from our Central WI chapter, hosts occasional outings (outside and socially distanced) for moms who have children with disabilities in our community.

On April 9th, the group hiked the Ice Age Trail: Emmons Creek Segment. They braved the cold and rain and had a blast getting outside and spending time together.

More outings coming soon!

Mom’s Virtual Coffee Chat

DSAW- Central WI hosted a virtual coffee date for moms and caregivers in the Central WI area. Moms logged on to Zoom and chatted about the pandemic, working from home while raising kids, and their plans once things start opening up. It was such a nice way to connect with friends we haven’t seen in a while.


Self Advocate Spotlight: Tim

Congratulations to Tim for starting his new job at MOD Pizza! Tim worked with DSAW Family Services to achieve his employment goals. Go, Tim! Your DSAW family is so happy for you!

What’s Going on in DSAW Connects?

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Creative Corner

This virtual class uses everyday objects around the house to create art projects. This month participants recycled cardboard to make cute frogs.

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Travel The Globe

Throughout April in Travel the Globe we finished up our tour of the US and headed out of the country. After learning about a ton of states, we have now traveled to Canada, France, and are currently in Italy.

Free Program Fun

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Stream Team

Stream Team explored some new games this month. The group played a storytelling game, found a new “would you rather” question generator online, and discovered Zoom “Guess Who.”

Mom’s Book Club

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DSAW Mom’s Book Club is for moms and female caregivers who want to get together once a month to meet, talk about a positive/inspiring books, and share support. In April, DSAW Mom’s Book Club read “The Great Alone” by Kristin Hannah.