In-person programming is back on around the state! During June, chapters across the state resumed hosting family meet-ups and playdates. Classes began in Southeastern WI, Fox Cities, and MADSS. All DSAW Awareness Walks are launched and open for registration. Read on for more info!
Awareness Walk Virtual Fun
The WINNER of our first virtual walk contest, winning a $100 gift card to a business of her choice, was Elizabeth Weber!! Elizabeth signed up for our Statewide Awareness Walk at the Zoo and was randomly chosen out of the several hundred people that have signed up for our Walks!
Stay tuned for next month's virtual challenge!
Rhett’s Believers
DSAW partnered with Versiti to host a blood drive at DSAW HQ in honor of a child in our community who is undergoing chemo treatments. Thanks to everyone who donated! Becuase of you, up to 84 local patients’ lives can be prolonged and/or saved!
If you’d like to donate blood in honor of Rhett, make an appointment at any Versiti donor center and enter the code: “Rhett” into the NOTES section when they make the appointment.
Green Bay Therapy Playgroup
DSAW- Green Bay is back to hosting monthly play groups for families with little ones who have Down syndrome. June was extra special because they were joined by occupational therapists from Bellin Health. Therapists were able to provide instruction and advice to participating parents free of charge.
Summer Skills Training Academy
Skills Training Academy is up and running at DSAW Headquarters in West Allis, WI!
Participants are enjoying making new friends, learning about life skills and wellness, and spending plenty of time outside making the most of the summer weather!
Highlight: Workout Scavenger Hunt! Participants were able to make their workout extra fun buy searching for clues around DSAW! The clues told them what exercise to do next. Check out our Instagram Story Highlight “DSAW” for videos of this program @dsawisconsin

DSAW Small Groups
Our small group outings have been a huge success! We are so happy to make connections and friendships among the younger participants in our community. These groups focus on getting out in the local area, expanding interests, practicing life skills, and having fun!
Family Farm Day at Cozy Nook Farm
Farmer Tom and Brittany guided DSAW families around Cozy Nook Farm! Participants learned about dairy cows, how a farm operates, and what the cows eat. Also, participants got to feed the cows and goats and go on a hayride to see the alfalfa field where the food for the cows is grown.
Corny Jokes & Popcorn Night
Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Families and self advocates had a great time at DSAW’s Virtual Family Night this month. Participants came prepared with joke books and we took turns cracking each other up. We watched a few funny videos too. Participants also discussed popcorn recipes and enjoyed their snack from home.