They love getting together with friends and having fun! Hannah shared she “likes to do the
things she wants, whenever she wants.” Kathryn said that she wanted her own space when she felt like she was butting heads with her parents. Who hasn’t felt that as a young adult? She lives in a 4 unit building where she knows the other tenants. And Hannah lives in the building right next door. So in essence Kathryn lives in a building with all of her own friends, just like her favorite TV show, “Friends.”
“People with Down syndrome are just like everyone else and having a disability is not scary, “ says Hannah. And Down syndrome does not define who they are and what they deserve.
Being independent for people with Down syndrome is not only possible, Kathryn and Hannah are just a few participants leading by their example. If you want to know more or connect with parents with their young adults living on their own, contact DSAW connects people and families. DSAW shows that people with Down syndrome and other disabilities are exceeding expectations.
With your support, more young adults are being shown what new expectations look like for independence and housing. Think Housing!
Think Employment
You help to support life-changing programs like our Manufacturing Basics course. This is an employer-embedded skills training program within Rely Contract Manufacturing/Engauge Workforce Solutions in Menomonee Falls. This 12-week integrated, on-the-job training program teaches the basic information necessary to start working in manufacturing, as well as soft skills like communication, team work, problem solving, and more.
Did you know that the manufacturing industry in Wisconsin generates $66 billion in economic output and accounts for nearly 19% of the state’s domestic product? However, 77% of manufacturers say they will have ongoing difficulties in attracting and retaining workers into the future. People with disabilities can be great candidates to support the vital manufacturing industry in our state, and we are helping to prepare them!
Wendy Schmidt, DSAW’s Director of Employment Services, says that “Individuals with diverse abilities are often an undervalued, overlooked population of people that are more than capable of being successful in the manufacturing industry. Our hope is to break down the doors and open up more opportunities for those individuals in manufacturers across the state.”