Looking Back on August 2024


The backyard BBQ was a huge hit in Central WI! Families enjoyed delicious food, fun yard games, and thrilling boat-tubing rides. It was the perfect summer day filled with laughter and good company.

DSAW-Chippewa Valley

In August, we were a small but mighty cheering squad for the Eau Claire Express. It was an exciting final inning, and the Express held off the Border Cats in a 6-5 win!

DSAW-Fox Cities

Fox Cities Back to School Ice Cream Social was held on Tuesday, August 27th at Town Center Park, showcasing our new walk location. The ice cream was graciously donated by Culver’s for all to enjoy! 

Fox Cities hosted the annual Evergreen Camp Day on Monday, August 19th. We had 26 families (over 100 participants!) come together for a day of swimming, sand castle making, mini golf, fishing and many more activities. It was a great day meeting new friends! 

DSAW-Green Bay

In August, the Green Bay chapter held multiple fun events! We did everything from mini-golfing to sailing to heading to Evergreen Campground to park meet-ups! Participants at our sailing event experienced both sailing and kayaking. Our Park meet-up at Otumba Park in Sturgeon Bay was a little wet and cold, but we still had fun! We also headed out to Mini Golf at The Ruins in Oconto on Friday, August 23. Participants could play regular mini-golf or glow mini-golf (when it was dark out). There was music and lights during the glow portion. Our self-advocates really enjoyed the glow golf. 

Statewide, our families enjoyed the awesome Evergreen Camping Day in Wild Rose! Overall, we had a busy and fun August!


KRW Picnic in the Park on August 25th with 21 attendees. Picnic in the Park located at Petrifying Springs, we rented a pavilion next to one of the playgrounds and families brought outdoor games and a dish to pass! DSAW provided Jimmy Johns mini sandwiches. What a fun day filled with smiles and sunshine! 

DSAW-Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties

Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties had a sail-tastic time with SEAS on Sunday! This is one of our favorite events of the summer, and the weather was absolutely perfect for enjoying the waves of Lake Michigan. Our families went out on the lake with a SEAS instructor to learn about sailing and sailboats. Some self-advocates even got the opportunity to steer the boats!

On August 10th, we headed out to the Dock Spider’s last game of the season! We had so much fun cheering them on as they won their game!

DSAW-South Central

August was a busy month for our South Central Chapter! To start the month off strong, we had a Pool Party and Picnic in Lodi. It was a splashtastic time! Next, we had our Forward Madison FC Soccer Game on August 10th. We also had our weekly ASL classes at the Rotary Gardens in Janesville throughout the month!

Towards the end of the month, we had our Pillars of Success Walking and Running Club and our Adaptive Cycling program that we held with GiGi’s Playhouse, Bike Fed, and Madison Adaptive Cycling. It was a fun August for us!


On Wednesday, August 14th, our Southeastern chapter hosted its 28th Annual Pip & Homer Golf Classic! This is one of our favorite fundraisers of the year and includes many local organizations and recognizable community figures. The weather was beautiful, and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

A huge thank you to Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Southeast WI, who presented us with a check for $53,000 from their July golf outing! We would also like to thank our exceptional golfers, donors, self-advocates, staff, board members, and volunteers who made this event successful.

Home and Community Based Services

SPARK Connections

SPARKS Connections is one of our summer programs offered in West Allis! During this 11-week program, participants work on developing their social, emotional, and physical wellness skills while learning how to build and maintain friendships. In August, participants worked on calming techniques, tone of voice, and attention to detail!

EXTRAOrdinary Adventures

Our 11-week DSAW program is a versatile adventure that caters to a wide range of interests for 8-17-year-olds. In August, we enjoyed Water Week, Storybooks: Fairies & Friends, and Let’s Build It!

DSAW Headquarters is Moving!

We are very excited to announce that the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin will be moving its Headquarters to a new location! Starting Fall 2024, all programs, services, and operations currently housed at our West Allis location (11709 W. Cleveland Ave) will prepare to move to a new space on the campus of the Carmelite Ministry of St. Teresa in the historic Village of Wauwatosa (1215 Dewey Ave). Final dates will be announced as soon as we are able. We are currently pending a Wauwatosa Plan Commission meeting on September 9th and a Common Council meeting on September 24th.

Both of our 2024 Golf Outings were huge successes!

28th Annual Pip & Homer Golf Classic - Southeastern Chapter

On Wednesday, August 14th, our Southeastern chapter hosted its 28th Annual Pip & Homer Golf Classic! This is one of our favorite fundraisers of the year and includes many local organizations and recognizable community figures. The weather was beautiful, and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

A huge thank you to Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Southeast WI, who presented us with a check for $53,000 from their July golf outing! We would also like to thank our exceptional golfers, donors, self-advocates, staff, board members, and volunteers who made this event successful.

Thank you to all of our sponsors!

Inclusion Coffee Company, Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Southeast WI, Charlie Berens, Milwaukee Admirals, Engauge Workforce Solutions, Think Ability Wisconsin, SNSHN CO, Alpine Plywood Corp., HeatTek, Rosti North America, Nicholas Industries, Korb and Associates, ORBIS Corporation, The Club at Lac La Belle, Beechwood Sales and Service, Wisconsin Distributors, Boxed Water Is Better, The Coca-Cola Company, Culver's, Chick-fil-A, and Rely Contract Manufacturing

23rd Annual Golf Outing - South Central Chapter

On Friday, July 12th, DSAW-South Central hosted their Annual Golf Outing at The Oaks Golf Course Course in Cottage Grove. The weather was perfect for a round of golf and we had an amazing time with everyone who came out to support us! A huge thank you to our golfers, donors, self-advocates, board members, staff, and volunteers who made this event possible.

Thank you to all of our sponsors!

Alliant Power, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Staff Electric, Capital Wealth Advisory Group, JP Cullen, Cottingham & Butler, Children's Dental Center of Madison S.C., Tito's Handmade Vodka, Zimmer & Rens LLC, Oak Bank, Madison Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, DK Design Build

Looking Back on July


Thank you to all the families that came out to cheer on the Rafters! Even though we had to take shelter in a locker room or a garage and that there was a tornado that touched down only 10 miles from us, we still managed to have fun! Though we did not get to see the Rafters play, we had enough time to tailgate and meet some of the players before the storm hit!

DSAW-Chippewa Valley

For July, DSAW-Chippewa Valley got to experience equine therapy. Our day at Trinity Equestrian Center was SO MUCH FUN!!! We had 20 participants (6 families!) join us. Spending time with the horses was very cool!

We got to ride them, brush them, and paint them! Plus, we ended the day with a yummy lunch. 

DSAW-Fox Cities

On July 21st, DSAW Fox Cities hosted their annual pool party. The weather couldn't have been more perfect, with a warm 80-degree evening making for a fantastic summer celebration. Over 40 friends and family members came together to enjoy a night of fun and camaraderie. Attendees enjoyed sliding down the big slide, making a splash off the diving board, and simply enjoying the refreshing water. 

DSAW-Green Bay

Green Bay had a great July! We went to a Timber Rattler’s Game, had a Summer Picnic at the park, met up at Artfest, and had a Parent’s Night Out!


KRW families and friends got together on Saturday July 13th from 9am-2pm at the Kenosha Harbor Market! What a fun time we had connecting with our community and raising awareness at our DSAW booth. I was able to connect with multiple special ed teachers who were very interested in hearing about DSAW. Two people took sponsorship packets, lots of pamphlets and business cards were taken and even a few signed up on my volunteer form. We also raised $42 in donations.

DSAW-La Crosse

Everyone had a fantastic time at the La Crosse Loggers game on July 19th. Families enjoyed a perfect evening at the ballpark. The atmosphere was lively, with cheering fans and exciting plays. It was a wonderful opportunity to relax, connect with friends and family, celebrate our shared love for the game. Many great memories were made. Plus, the Logger's won! We’re already looking forward to next year’s outing! 

DSAW-Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties

July was a fun month for the Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties Chapter! We started off the month with a great pool party. Thankfully the weather held out and we were able to enjoy the summer sun and our friends! We also took some time to hang out at the park towards the end of the month.
Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties was also selected to be the beneficiaries of the 1st Annual Charity Pickleball Tournament. We had a full tournament bracket and it was so amazing to see the community supporting our mission. Overall, we raised an additional $1,557 to continue events and services for our families!

DSAW-South Central

South Central has a busy month! We started off with a fun Madison Mallards Baseball Game! Then we started revving up for our Annual Golf Outing! We hosted our 23rd Annual Outing at The Oaks in Cottage Grove on July 12th. We welcomed 132 golfers, 48 volunteers, and numerous staff. It was a great day to spend outside with community members who want to help us support our mission! To wrap up the rest of our July, we went to Timbavati in the Dells and a Beloit Sky Carp Baseball game on the 28th!


DSAW-Southeastern Wisconsin had a turnout of about 160 people at our annual Down Home BBQ on Saturday, July 6 from 12-3 pm! Families enjoyed live music by Hot Off the Grill, water and other games, and socializing over a lunch of grilled items, lemonade, and new this year, Pete's Pops (popsicles). Also new this year, the Betty Brinn Wonder Wagon, where kids learned how to launch rockets. A good time was had by all!

Home and Community Based Services

SPARK Connections

SPARKS Connections is one of our summer programs offered in West Allis! During this 11-week program, participants work on developing their social, emotional, and physical wellness skills while learning how to build and maintain friendships. Each week, they work on a different social skill theme, and then participants either go on a community outing or stay at the West Allis office and do some fun activities! In June, our participants worked on conversation starters, time management, and taking turns!

EXTRAOrdinary Adventures

Our 11-week DSAW program is a versatile adventure that caters to a wide range of interests for 8-17-year-olds. From fun, hands-on learning activities to exciting community outings, our participants have enjoyed a variety of themes, including Game Shows, Wild Wild West, Nature Week, and Weather Week. Check out all of these smiling faces!

Employment Services

Manufacturing Basics is a pre-vocational program that teaches essential skills to secure employment within the manufacturing sector. Self-advocates also work on problem-solving, teamwork, and communication. Our group at Engauge Workforce Solutions has been working hard over the last five weeks and enjoying the work they've been assigned!

Think Ability Wisconsin receives Nonprofit Collaboration of the Year Award

(MILWAUKEE) Think Ability Wisconsin, a partnership network powered by DSAW, was selected to receive the BizTimes Nonprofit Collaboration of the Year Award on July 25th, 2024. This award honors those organizations that have developed collaborative relationships with additional stakeholders to enrich and empower the lives of individuals with disabilities in our community.

We are so grateful to have received this award and to share this accomplishment with the hundreds of nonprofit organizations and corporate leaders who are part of the Think Ability Wisconsin network. 

Looking Back on June


Make a splash with DSAW-Central! We made a wave (and maybe a few cannonballs) at our epic June pool party. It was a fin-tastic time for swimming, socializing, and making memories! 

DSAW-Chippewa Valley

In June the Chippewa Valley chapter toured Marieke Gouda. It was so much fun to pet the cows (of all sizes!), and to see everyone's reactions. Plus, who doesn't love cheese and ice cream samples!? This was a very cool way to celebrate Dairy Month!

DSAW-Fox Cities

Fox Cities families were able to enjoy Badger Sports Park! We had so much fun at the Lasertron Laser Tag Arena! It was so great to see all of the smiling faces at our event!

DSAW-Green Bay

Green Bay had a busy June! We celebrated dairy month by going out to the farm and having breakfast with the community. We had a special Daddy and Me event at the Green Bay Blizzard’s Game. It was so great to cheer on the Blizzard’s as they won their game! To round out our June, we got to enjoy the day at Bay Beach Park.


Thank you DSAW families and friends for coming out to a Kenosha Kingfish Game with us, it was great to see so many having fun! A wonderful night to be at a baseball game.

DSAW-La Crosse

Due to the weather in La Crosse, our June event was rescheduled to July! We are hoping for better weather in the next month!

DSAW-Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties

Sheboygan’s big pool party of the summer had to be rescheduled for June due to cold weather, but we were still able to enjoy our monthly Teen Hang Out Club! We practiced our cornhole skills and made a special gift for our dads!

DSAW-South Central

On June 9, we had Dad & Me Mini-golf. On June 23, we had a taco bar picnic and pool day in Janesville. On June 24, we had a Playground Meetup in Cottage Grove.


In June, DSAW-SEWI hosted a variety of events! We kicked off the month with a "Dad's Afternoon Out" at Third Space Brewing for fathers and grandfathers to celebrate Father’s Day, followed by the Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Southeast WI golf outing which raised money for DSAW with over 200 golfers participating. To wrap up a fun-filled month, DSAW hosted a tailgate party for nearly 200 people to enjoy perfect weather, great food, and the Brewers game, complete with a special visit from Bernie Brewer and the famous racing sausages!

Congratulations to our 2024 Graduates!

Alivia LaLuzerne

Alivia graduated from Oconto Falls High School and will attend the Learning for Independence program at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. She recently started working at Culver's and plans to continue to work there! Alivia’s favorite memory from high school is seeing and hanging out with her friends.

Lilya Zoromski

Lilya graduated from the Kimberly Area School District this year. She hopes to volunteer in an assisted living home this summer and work on job skills next year. Her favorite part of high school was participating in chorale and the "Much Like You" play, as well as working in the school coffee shop!

George Westcott

George graduated from the Milwaukee High School of the Arts. In high school, he enjoyed acting in the school plays! Next year, he is headed to Edgewood College's Cutting Edge Program and living in the dorms in Madison.

Michael Joseph Agasie

Michael graduated from Verona Area High School in June! He will participate in the 18-21 Vocational Program at VAHS and search for a job and opportunities to make a difference in the community. His favorite memories from High School include spending time with friends and other students in a few classes and swimming!

Thomas Riederer

Thomas graduated from Monona Grove High School! He plans to attend the Monona Grove Futures Transition program and look into the Edgewood Cutting Edge program. During high school, Tomas enjoyed participating on the boy's swim team and hanging out with all of the friends he had made throughout the years.

Lillie Peterson

Lillie graduated from the Waupaca High School this year! She will continue her education with the LIVE program at Waupaca High School. Lillie’s favorite memory was the music trip to Universal Studios, Florida. Also, she loved her culinary classes and hopes to get a job in food service one day.

Caroline Dahlen

Caroline graduated from the Verona Area High School this year! Over her time in High School, she enjoyed participating in cheerleading. Next, she will be continuing her job at Festival Foods and will be involved in the 18-21 program in her school district.

Brady Remington

Brady is graduating from Appleton East this year! He enjoyed creating all of the great relationships and long-lasting friendships he made during his schooling. After graduation, he is headed to participate in Project Search, an internship work program.

Olivia Schilling

Olivia graduated from the Plymouth High School on June 2nd. She is excited to move into adult life! She was given an opportunity to attend the Learning for Independence program at Moraine Park Technical College and finding a just right job for herself. Her favorite memory from High School is dancing with the Shining Stars Dance Team at the Plymouth Basketball games.

Looking Back on May


In May, DSAW Cental had an incredible adventure at the zoo! We started our journey with an exciting safari ride, getting up close to majestic creatures in their natural habitats. Along the way, we had the chance to feed some of the friendliest animals, which was a delight. We saw a diverse array of wildlife, from towering giraffes and playful monkeys to majestic tigers and birds. It was an unforgettable experience, filled with wonder and joy at every turn.

DSAW-Chippewa Valley

We really enjoyed our Popsicle Playtime in May! We were able to have nice weather and enjoy some fresh air. Our scavenger hunt and games were a huge hit with our families!

DSAW-Fox Cities

In May, DSAW-Fox Cities hosted 46 participants across four events. We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of bowling at Rolling Thunder Lanes in Neenah, held our final indoor play dates until fall at Xtreme Air and Monkey Joe's, and had a delightful Moms' Night Out dinner at Parker John's.

DSAW-Green Bay

In May, DSAW-Green Bay had a ton of great events! We had our Buddy Up Tennis, Sign-N-Play Playgroup, Archery and Ice Cream, and Our Mommy and Me Photoshoot! We also went and volunteered at Celebrate DePere!


DSAW's KRW group enjoyed a beautiful day in May at Green Meadows Petting Farm meeting all the furry and feathered friends who live on the farm. The petting farm was full of many animals to interact with us while we were there.  We had an opportunity to hand-feed the goats, sheep, and chickens as well as an option to go on hayrides and pony rides.

DSAW-La Crosse

Our trip to the Planetarium was a total hit! Local families had a blast on a virtual bike tour through the planets, picking up fun facts about each one. We also loved learning about the constellations. Afterward, we enjoyed galaxy-themed snacks and water, and everyone got a shiny star bead necklace. 

DSAW-Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties

On Saturday, May 18th, we hosted our first Annual Trapshoot Fundraiser in Mayville, WI. We had an amazing turn out with 20+ raffles and 3 big raffles! With the amazing support from the community, we were able to raise over $13,000 for the Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties!

DSAW-South Central

DSAW-South Central had a GREAT May. Our Teen Club gathering at the World's Largest Culver in Edgerton on May 4 for food and crafts. On Sunday, May 5, the Moms Take 5 group got together for coffee. We had Pizza with a Purpose at Sugar River Pizza on Tuesday, May 7 and raised over $600. The Grandparents Group met for coffee on Thursday, May 9. We had a Mom & Me Party in honor of Mother's Day on Saturday, May 11, where 42 of us painted flower pots, planted flowers, ate, and enjoyed one another's company. We have a weekly Monday night yoga session from 4-5pm. Moms Rock 'N It got together on Friday, May 17. We ended the month with horse therapy on Sunday, May 19, at Seahorse Healing with Nelle and her amazing horse, Magic.


On Saturday, May 4, we had a lovely group of eight DSAW Moms come out for Mom's Morning Out. They enjoyed a relaxing morning of coffee, breakfast and conversation! Then, on Saturday, May 11, DSAW held its first-ever Community-Wide Rummage Sale which included 12 vendors and artists and lots of shoppers. It was a successful day for many Walk Teams!

Looking Back on April

April was full of more successful events! Here’s some of the fun things DSAW staff and members were able to do!

DSAW- Central Planetarium- An afternoon under the stars

Thursday, April 13

DSAW Central blasted off into the unknown at their planetarium event! They created their very own galaxy and savored the taste of astronaut ice cream. It was an intergalactic afternoon of fun! Happy birthday, Max! We were so thrilled to be able to celebrate your birthday with you!

DSAW-Chippewa Valley Social Hangout

Tuesday, April 9

Social Hangout went to the Chippewa Valley Museum earlier this week. They enjoyed "walking though time" ... and who doesn't love visiting an ice cream parlor!?!

DSAW- Green Bay-Baby/Toddler Playgroup at The Adventure Zone

Saturday, April 20

Green Bay DSAW families had a great time exploring and playing at the Adventure Zone!

DSAW-KRW Kenosha Museum Highlights Tour and Streetcar Ride

Saturday, April 13

THANK YOU to all of the families and friends who came out on Saturday to go on a Highlights Tour at the Kenosha Museum and take a streetcar ride downtown! What a fun time we had. We'd love to see your photos - please feel free to share them here!

DSAW- Sheboygan and Surrounding Counties Kelley's Farmstead

Tuesday, April 28th

We had so much fun at Kelley's Farmstead last week! Some of our family members got to hold baby ducks, pigs, and bunnies. Check out these cute pictures from our event!

DSAW-South Central Family Bowling at Scwoegler's Park Towne Lanes

Friday, April 26
Thank you to the 47 participants who joined us at Schwoegler's Park Lane in Madison this evening! It was a perfect activity for a raining evening! We had a GREAT time!

DSAW-Southeastern Sky Zone Experience

Tuesday, April 2

THANK YOU to all of the jumpers that came out last night to Sky Zone-Greenfield despite the crummy weather. So much fun to see all of the great smiles!

WBAY Action 2 News Coverage-Go Baby Go! Program

March 8th, 2024- A DSAW family from Fox Cities was featured on WBAY Action 2 News for participating in the Go Baby Go! Program.

This program is a collaboration between Children's Wisconsin and Fox Valley Technical College. It aims to provide electric ride-on cars specifically designed for children with special health needs. These cars offer improved mobility and independence to these children

Looking Back on March

2024 World Down Syndrome Day


  • DSAW received state wide media coverage for World Down Syndrome Day.

  • DSAW sold over 850 WDSD t-shirts, a record high, and up from last year's sales of 550!!

  • DSAW raised thousands of extra dollars with external fundraisers around WDSD this year.

  • DSAW DOUBLED the amount we raised from our WDSD fundraising campaign from last year.

  • DSAW hosted 11 WDSD events around the state, many of which had HUGE increases in attendance and impressive turn outs.

  • DSAW partnered with EPIC Creative and Inclusion Coffee Company to provide free coffee at Inclusion on WDSD.

  • DSAW saw a ton of momentum on social media: In Green Bay the mayor ordered the Green Bay's bridge to light up in blue and yellow in honor of WDSD!

DSAW- Central WDSD Roller Skating Celebration

Thursday, March 21

DSAW-Chippewa Valley WDSD Celebration at Action City

Sunday, March 17

DSAW- Fox Cities-World Down Syndrome Day

Saturday, March 16th
We had 80 adults and 65 kids enjoy a day of arcade games, bumper cars, train ride, laser tag, air hockey, skeeball, carousel and small kid play area at Funset Blvd. We served a pizza buffet to help refuel after a morning of hard play. It was a great morning enjoyed by all.

DSAW- Green Bay-World Down Syndrome Day - Dance Party

Saturday, March 23

DSAW-KRW World Down Syndrome Day Pool Party

Friday, March 22

DSAW-Greater La Crosse Down for Nature

Saturday, March 16
"Down For Nature" was our theme this year. We had three stations where guests could make pinecone bird feeders, twisty cereal bird feeders, and frost then decorate their bird or butterfly cookie!

DSAW-Sheboygan Down Syndrome Day Waterpark Celebration 2024

Sunday, March 17, 2024

DSAW-South Central GALLERY 21

Thursday, March 21, 2024
Had over 130 individuals in attendance to honor and support our loved ones with Down syndrome.

DSAW Milwaukee: World Down Syndrome Day 2024 - Pool Party

Saturday, March 14