We Can't Do It Without You!

We have many incredible volunteers that make what we do at DSAW possible. Some of you might know Susan, who volunteers at our State Headquarters in West Allis. Susan helps every Tuesday at Bootcamp, Friday nights at Tween Club, and at events throughout the year. 


"The path leading me to DSAW was unexpected and unplanned, as is often the case for amazing things in one's life." She wanted to learn more about Down syndrome after hearing about a local business started by a woman with Down syndrome. Her search led her to DSAW, and she has been volunteering with us since March.

Now, her favorite part about volunteering is sharing with the self-advocates: "thoughts, goals, jokes, favorite things, experiences, likes and dislikes, mistakes, knowledge, strengths and challenges, activities. In short, everything friends share."

Susan has been invaluable to our work at DSAW. She lights up our office with her passionate spirit and her desire to serve. She truly believes that "starting small can and does make a difference" and suggests that "if you can't volunteer, then donate. If you can't donate, then volunteer. If you can't do either, then advocate, educate, and always watch for opportunities that can use your talents and resources." 

We could not serve our loved ones with Down syndrome or offer life-changing programs and services without our wonderful volunteers and donors. Will you give back to DSAW this holiday season? Consider donating your time, talent, and/or treasure to help us accomplish our mission.

Dawn Nuoffer
Executive Director
Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin