Meet a DSAW Leader: Marie

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My name is Marie Sherman and I’ve recently been inducted as a member of the DSAW Sheboygan chapter board! I am also the Project Manager of the 2018 DSAW Sheboygan Awareness Walk! I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, John, just about 5 years and am a mother of two incredibly amazing children. My family and I moved to the Sheboygan county from the Minneapolis, MN area just over 3 years ago, and I currently work full-time.

My son, John Wayne, is 3 years old and a wild, loving young man who is an attentive brother to his little sister Evelyn. Evelyn just turned 11 months old this past weekend, and how the time has flown! We found out that our sweet girl was blessed with an extra chromosome about 10 days after her birth when the karyotype lab returned. We were quickly connected with the DS clinic at Children’s Hospital, where the experienced team helped connect us with Parent’s First Call program and DSAW to name a few. We’ve learned how much this diagnosis has blessed, and enriched our lives. Evelyn shows us daily tenacity that is inspiring. Her graceful determination tackles whatever life throws her way without losing the infectious and loving personality she is known for. She always leaves those who meet her with a smile! 

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Being introduced to such a vast and compassionate community has compelled me to get involved with DSAW. This new family we’ve been introduced to has brought new experiences, resources, knowledge, friendships and adventures. I am eager to help give back to a program and community that has already enriched my life so much, and will continue to touch more.  Looking forward to what the future has in store!