Meet a DSAW Leader: Morgan


Hello DSAW friends and family, my name is Morgan Brzank and I am a board member for DSAW-COTH-La Crosse. I currently reside in La Crosse near UW-La Crosse but I am originally from New Berlin, WI (near Milwaukee). I am about to go into my senior year of college, studying with a major in Business Management and a minor in Healthcare Analytics with an emphasis in Human Resources (a mouthful, I know!).

I always say my path with DSAW is not only unique but one of my biggest blessings, and proves you never know what will open up doors and opportunities in your life. In high school, I was on my school’s dance team and one of our coaches asked me to help coach our communities Special Needs and Abilities Poms (SNAP) team. I fell in love with coaching these girls immediately and I also met my friend, Alexis Malloy while coaching that team. Here, her family asked me to become a supporter for Alexis where I got to help Alexis with things like work, respite, healthy habits, tutoring and so on. This experience also opened up the opportunity to learn about DSAW and I began volunteering there throughout high school (I still work for her remotely). Through Alexis, I met Dawn Nuoffer and the fabulous Abby.


Through all these opening doors, I made my way to becoming a board member for the La Crosse chapter when moving to La Crosse for college. I am now the Secretary for our board and I love helping out with the volunteers in our area, having a part in the DSAW walk, and getting involved with the Self-Advocates when I can. Last summer, I had the blessing of working at DSAW Headquarters as an intern – best summer ever! I even work for DSAW Family Services from time to time. DSAW and all the individuals with Down syndrome have changed my life and I am so honored to continue my work in this community. As I finish up my last year in college and look forward to new directions, I am excited to continue being a DSAW member for La Crosse and being involved in DSAW overall!